The idea behind our Hybrid Hives is to combine the strengths of widely-used Langstroth hive equipment, with the innovative Lambrecht Hexagonal system.

This allows beekeepers to enjoy the unique design of Hexagonal Hives while incorporating existing equipment they already have.  The focus of this design is on producing conditions optimized for overwintering honeybee colonies to prepare them for spring growth. Our goal here is to leverage interior hive space improvements in pursuit of environs more suited for sustainable beekeeping.

Larger in volume than a Langstroth Deep, the Lambrecht Brood box is a key component of the Hybrid-Hive series. This right-sized brood chamber with its vertically-oriented, partial hexagonal-shape is designed to pair with traditional Langstroth hive boxes with deep, med or shallow frames.

Hybrid-Hive components are sized to be compatible with 8 frame or 10 frame Langstroth equipment, allowing beekeepers to upgrade their hive shape for better ventilation, brood room and air circulation, but utilize their existing gear.

Hybrid-Hives shape maximizes natural, circulatory air movement which occurs when the v-bottom Hybrid-Hives Brood Box is paired with Langstroth supers and topped with our ventilated Cypress Shingle Roof.  The resulting Hybrid-Hive stack takes full advantage of efficient thermodynamics of the elongated prism-shaped space, which, combined with bees' heat, begets convection to help to vent away moist hot air in summer and help keep bees warm and dry in winter.

Hybrid-Hives allow maximum flexibility so beekeepers can combine Lambrecht Brood Boxes with Langstroth supers and frames and top it off with our Universal sized Ventilated Gable Roof System.

Ext Size = 20" x 14" x 16" ht

Holds 14 Lambrecht Smart
Universal Hexagon Frames

7/8" Cypress w/ Exterior Oil
Inner + outer cover = 1 1/2"

3 products
  • Hybrid Brood Box
    Hybrid Brood Box
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  • Langstroth Medium Hive Box
    Langstroth Medium Hive Box
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  • Langstroth Deep Hive Box
    Langstroth Deep Hive Box
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